Program type:


On Campus
Est. time to complete:

2-3 semesters
Credit Hours:

Add to your education and gain a better understanding of the cultural and intellectual diversity of music.
The Minor in Music Theory is designed for undergraduate music majors who are interested in the theoretical and analytical bases of music. It provides them with a solid and well-rounded foundation in understanding, analyzing and comparing the melodic, harmonic and formal structures of the styles of Western music and prepares them for advanced study in music theory at the master’s and doctoral level.

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Music Theory Minor Courses You Could Take

Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint (3 hrs)
Contrapuntal procedures of 18th-century composers. Writing inventions, chorale preludes and other 18th-century forms.
Form Analysis (3 hrs)
Structural principles of 18th- and 19th-century music determined by analysis of major composers’ works, larger instrumental and vocal forms.
Schenkerian Analysis (3 hrs)
Analysis of tonal music according to the theory of structural levels and methods of graphic analysis developed by Heinrich Schenker.
Twentieth-Century Techniques (3 hrs)
Dodecaphonic and atonal set theory techniques as applied to representative works of the 20th century.
Advanced Colloquium in Music Theory (3 hrs)
In consultation with the instructor, each student is to develop a major paper on a specialized topic in music theory, as appropriate to advanced undergraduate standing.
Sixteenth-Century Counterpoint (3 hrs)
Contrapuntal procedures of 16th-century composers. Writing motets and madrigals in two to four voices.

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