Wellness Week, Sept. 14-18, 2020

As part of DATCU's continued support for UNT, the financial institution is providing a week of financial wellness courses open to all UNT employees. Registering is easy! Sign up for any of the following sessions using these UNT Bridge instructions.

  • Step 1: Log in to unt.bridgeapp.com.
  • Step 2: Select the “Training Calendar” and find the course you would like to attend on the calendar or by searching the course title. 
  • Step 3: Click the “Register” button to register for the desired session(s). 
Day Time Title Zoom link and meeting ID
Monday, Sept. 14 2-3 p.m. Budgeting 101:  Managing Your Money Zoom Link: https://unt.zoom.us/j/97210023291

Meeting ID: 972 1002 3291
Cover the basics of developing a personal budget based on your financial goals. Presented by Mike Vance and John Mallouf
Tuesday, Sept. 15 2-3 p.m. Fraud Protection 101:  Protecting Your Identity Zoom Link: https://unt.zoom.us/j/98948050679

Meeting ID: 989 4805 0679
Learn to recognize the current fraud threats and tips on preventing theft of your identity. Presented by John Mallouf and Pat Sherman
Wednesday, Sept. 16 2-3 p.m. Home Buying 101:  Understanding the Basics Zoom Link: https://unt.zoom.us/j/91209577093

Meeting ID: 912 0957 7093
Get important tips to help you through the journey to home ownership. Presented by Janice Sheppard
Thursday, Sept. 17 2-3 p.m. Insurance 101:  Understanding the Basics Zoom Link: https://unt.zoom.us/j/98604553662

Meeting ID: 986 0455 3662
Understand the terms to know and how much coverage you need. Presented by Lacey Bloom and Carrie Gorman
Friday, Sept. 18 2-3 p.m. Credit Score 101:  Understanding and Improving Zoom Link: https://unt.zoom.us/j/97415063581

Meeting ID: 974 1506 3581
Learn the basics that determine your score, why it matters and how to improve it. Presented by Pat Sherman and John Mallou

Questions? Email Anh.LePalomino@untsystem.edu with the subject line “DATCU Financial Wellness Courses.”