Welcome to UNT Today

May 18, 2020

Today, University Brand Strategy and Communications (UBSC) is launching a new way to keep you informed about the plethora of news, events and campus updates at UNT. We have transitioned away from the COVID-19 Update to a communication that will become a daily news digest when the fall semester begins. In the meantime, all faculty and staff will receive it on Monday, Wednesday and Friday through the summer.

Why UNT Today? Simply put, we send too many email announcements, and it's likely that many are not read. We feel it is important to share information frequently but not inundate our community. Our goal is to significantly reduce the number of administrative announcements, which sometimes total two or three a day. UNT Today will aggregate most of those updates into one, easy-to-read communication. We realize that federally mandated, annual communications must still be distributed separately but are hoping that most others can be sent via this regular update.

All of us in UBSC would like to know what you think about this new service to the UNT community, so please feel free to email me directly with your comments. Thank you for helping us reduce the number of emails you have to sort through each week.

Go Mean Green!

Jim Berscheidt
Vice President
University Brand Strategy and Communications